College Policies


Sh. Lal Nath Hindu College is dedicated to the mission of empowering deserving students through comprehensive financial assistance and unwavering support. The college recognizes that exceptional academic performance, innate talent, and the potential for greatness can be found among its student body across a diverse range of disciplines.

In its commitment to celebrating and nurturing young talents and their remarkable achievements, the college has established a robust scholarship program designed to promote inclusivity and foster a culture of academic excellence. These scholarships are awarded to meritorious students who not only excel in their studies but also exhibit outstanding capabilities and promise in various fields. By investing in the future of these bright individuals we aim to create an environment where every student has the opportunity to thrive and succeed, thereby contributing to the broader community and society at large.


  • A dedicated committee has been established to recommend fee concessions for students who are in need, those who demonstrate exceptional academic merit, and individuals who have achieved noteworthy positions in sports.
  • Our college is committed to ensuring that no student is forced to discontinue their education due to financial constraints. To this end, the institution provides fee concessions to economically disadvantaged students.
  • Students seeking a fee concession must submit a formal written application addressed to the Principal.
  • Upon submission, students are required to appear before  the committee, bringing along documentation that outlines their economic background and academic achievements.
  • If the Principal and the committee find the application satisfactory, a fee concession may be granted.
  • The application and meeting process is designed to assess and establish a fair and reasonable fee that aligns with the family’s financial capabilities.
  • The fee concession is applicable for one academic year, and students in need must reapply each year to continue receiving the concession.
  • Specific Procedures for Meritorious Students and Athletes:Fee concessions are also available for students who have excelled in sports. The college has developed a structured fee concession scheme for this purpose, which is taken into consideration when awarding concessions.


Sh. Lal Nath Hindu College, Rohtak has a strong ethical work culture that is based on inclusivity and follows the policy of gender equality and gender sensitivity. The policy focusses on equal access, opportunities and rights for men and women. Safety, security and well-being, along with gender equity and friendly working atmosphere are the issues of prime concern to the College.

It is pertinent to mention that our college does not consider the identities of its stakeholders on the basis of their gender, caste, creed, religion and designation while evaluating their potentials. The college makes efforts enthusiastically for promoting the idea of sensitization among its staff members, students and the society. Our college strives hard to create a constructive and congenial environment in to campus which is free from any gender bias and discrimination. The college constitutes various committees to maintain an atmosphere of equity and justice in the college. These committees strictly adhere to the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Women and Child  development, Government of India, University Grants Commission, Director Higher  Education,  M.D University  and  Government  of  Haryana.  A number of gender sensitization programmes are organized by various departments and activity cells to make the students aware of their duties and legal rights through different extension programmes and campus-based activities.

Measures to Promote Gender Sensitization

The  college  has  taken  the  following  important  measures  for  promotion  of gender equality in the college campus:

  1. Surveillance through CCTV Cameras at various places in the college premises to ensure safety and security of students in general and girl students in particular.
  2. The institute keeps visitor log register to record the details of any person entering the college premises.
  3. Facilities of separate common rooms for girls and separate washrooms for male and female students.
  4. The college has various committees like Women Empowerment Cell, Legal Literacy Cell, Students Grievances Cell, Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee, Anti-Ragging Committee, and Mentor-Mentee groups. All these Committees are headed by senior faculty members. These work in coordination with each other to guide, counsel and sensitize the students about gender equality and equal rights.
  5. The college has a proper Grievances Redressal Committee for its stakeholders where they can register their problems and complaints for quick redressal. Complaint boxes have been fixed on prominent places in the college campus. It is ensured to keep the identity of the complainant(s) confidential wherever necessary. The requisite details of the concerned committees are also uploaded on the college website.
  6. Equal Opportunity Cell takes measure against discrimination and promotes equality among students


 The College has established a mechanism for conducting both external and internal audits on the financial transactions yearly to ensure financial compliance. The external audit is conducted by an external agency (a Chartered Accountant) engaged by the college whereas internal audit is done by an Internal Audit Committee meant to develop internal control system and to keep check on every financial decision. This committee comprises Head of the institution, IQAC coordinator, Bursar and a faculty from Department of Commerce. Audited Statement of Accounts regarding grant from the UGC, State Government, donations and fees collected from the students, etc. are well maintained year wise along with audited cash books, stock registers for record and reference in the college.

 An audit is conducted by the Internal Audit committee of the institution before submission of financial statements to the external auditors.  The mechanisms used to monitor effective and efficient use of financial resources.

  • Before the commencement of every financial year, the heads of Department and coordinator submits a proposal on budget to the principal.
  • The College Principal with the help of IQAC committee monitor the proposal and send it to the Management for Sanction
  • College budget includes recurring expenses, such as teaching and non-teaching Staffs’ salary, lighting and electrification, postage and tele-communication, internet charge, maintenance cost, printing & stationery, other consumable charges, etc., and non-recurring expenses like purchase of books & journals, IT and lab equipment, furniture, and other infra-structural development expenses.
  • The Bills submitted of various expenses are verified by the Bursar.
  • Finally, internal audit committee submits their report on the reliability of statement of Accounts.

Process of the Internal Audit: All vouchers/account statements for the expenses incurred under different heads are thoroughly checked by verifying the bills and vouchers. If any discrepancy is found, the same is brought to the notice of the principal for observation and further verification. The same process has been in force for the last years.

 Process of the External Audit: The chartered accountant audits the accounts of the college regularly as per the government rules. The auditor ensures that all payments are duly authorized after the audit, the report is sent to the management for review. Any queries, in the process of audit would attend immediately along with the supporting documents within the prescribed time limits. The institution did not come across with any major audit objection during the preceding years.

                 These entire mechanisms exhibit the transparency maintained in financial matters and adherence to financial discipline to avoid defalcation of funds or properties of the college at all levels. The authorities of the management and chartered accountant duly sign the audited statements.

Examination Policy

The examination policy of the college is designed to assess the academic performance of students in a fair, transparent, and comprehensive manner. The policy includes various types of examinations and evaluations to ensure that students are well-prepared for their future careers.

Examination Committee:

The Examination Committee is responsible for conducting and overseeing the examination process. The Principal serves as the Chairman of the Examination Committee, which includes the Superintendent, Deputy-Superintendent, and other staff members. The Superintendent and Deputy-Superintendent assist the Chairman in coordinating the examination process, while the remaining staff members serve as invigilators during the examinations. The invigilators ensure that the examinations are conducted fairly and smoothly, and that all rules and regulations are followed. The Examination Committee works together to ensure the integrity and validity of the examination process.

Semester Examinations

- Conducted at the end of each semester

- Assess student learning outcomes in each subject

- Consist of theory papers and practical exams (where applicable)

Sessional Exams

- Conducted during the semester

- Assess student progress and understanding of the subject matter

- Consist of theory papers and practical exams (where applicable)

- Evaluation based on the sessional syllabus

Class Tests

- Conducted regularly during the semester

- Assess student understanding of specific topics or chapters

- Consist of theory papers and practical exams (where applicable)

- Evaluation based on the class test syllabus

Practical Viva Exams

 - Conducted for subjects with practical components

- Assess student practical skills and knowledge

- Consist of viva voce (oral) exams

- Evaluation based on the practical syllabus

Lab Practical Exams

- Conducted for subjects with laboratory components

- Assess student practical skills and knowledge

- Consist of lab experiments and practical exams

- Evaluation based on the lab syllabus

Computer Lab Practical Exams

- Conducted for subjects with computer laboratory components

- Assess student practical skills and knowledge

- Consist of computer-based practical exams

- Evaluation based on the computer lab syllabus

EVS Practical Exams

- Conducted for subjects with Environmental Studies (EVS) components

- Assess student practical skills and knowledge

- Consist of fieldwork and practical exams

- Evaluation based on the EVS syllabus

Sports Practical Exams

- Conducted for subjects with sports components

- Assess student practical skills and knowledge

- Consist of sports events and practical exams

- Evaluation based on the sports syllabus

Preparing Practical Files

- Students are required to maintain practical files for subjects with practical components

- Practical files should include records of lab experiments, practical work, and fieldwork

- Practical files are evaluated as part of the practical exam

Internal Assessment

 Internal assessments are an important component of an overall examination policy, typically used to evaluate a student’s understanding, skills, and progress over time.  

- Internal assessments may influence eligibility for final exams.

-In some cases, a minimum internal assessment score is required for students to be allowed to     sit for the final examination.

Career Implications

The examination policy is designed to prepare students for their future careers by:

- Assessing their knowledge and skills in specific subjects

- Evaluating their practical skills and knowledge

- Providing feedback for improvement

- Preparing them for competitive exams and job interviews

By implementing this examination policy, the college aims to ensure that students are well-prepared for their future careers and can excel in their chosen fields.

E- Governance has become the most viable tool of virtuous governance in the existing times. It is the most potent weapon of transparency and governance. World Bank has explained the E governance as the use by government agencies of information technologies (such as Wide Area Networks, the Internet, and mobile computing) that have the ability to transform relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government. Taking imperatives from this policy, Our Institution also adopts e-governance policy in its administration and other pursuits.
The following are the objectives of Sh. L.N. Hindu College, Rohtak of implementing e-Governance Policy
• To implement e-governance policy in the institution effortlessly.
• Discharge operations in an efficient manner.
• Collective accountability and transparency.
• Facilitate communication among the institution's numerous stakeholders
• Access information conveniently.
• Make the institution globally competent.
The institution has a well-defined e-governance policy regarding Administration, Finance, Student Support, Examination, Library and Website. In order to provide a simple and efficient system of governance within the institution, it is decided to adopt and implement e-govemance in maximum fields. Digital and social media assist the college to promote the events and increase the reach of the college to the society. For easily accessibility purposes, the policy is divided into various areas of operation. These areas of operation are descriptive.
Coordinator, IQAC
Sh. L.N. Hindu College, Rohtak
1. Administration
To provide a hassle free, convenient and smooth process, maximum administration activities _of the college are handled with ICT based technology. For instance, MIS portal profile of faculty as directed by DGHE, biometric attendance of teaching and non- teaching faculty in the institution, Use of GeM Portal for Purchase of different items for the institution, whats app groups of all classes and staff members for smooth communication etc.
2. Library
For implementing e Governance, KOHA software for library management is used for the data management and control. Along with this different e resources like DELNET, N-List has been used by the faculty to access the research articles and
books expediently
3. Finance and Accounts
The Finance and Accounts department is the key department for every organization. The department functions with lot of paper movements. Few of the areas in which e-Governance is being used to avoid wastage of Paper and speed
functioning are as follows.
• The institution has been using accounting software Tally for maintenance of accounts. All the vouchers are entered into the tally ERP system where none of the employees can modify or tamper the already entered voucher.
Appropriate security measures should be taken for maintaining confidentiality of the transactions. Training to the existing staff and updating of the existing software's must be done on a timely basis.
• Apart from that all the details / workings / Reports are shared through writing Emails to the Internal and external stakeholders like faculty, Auditors, Bankers, alumni and Management etc.
• Each and every user of the Accounts has separate mail Id's for better communication.
•Payment to vendors and others are done through R TGS / NETT / All statutory payment like Salary, GST, TDS, PF are done through Online mode only.
•Online payment provision is also made available to the students for paying fees.
4. Student Admission and support
For admissions in different courses, we strictly adhere to the instructions given by DGHE and follow the online admission process as directed. The students can apply only through the DGHE portal of admission and can pay fees online. The seats allocation process is purely transparent and can be seen by any person on the portal.
5. Examination
As far as examination is concerned, our institution is an affiliated college of Maharshi Dayanand University and strictly follow the examination procedure as. directed. All the negotiation with the university regarding conducting examination
is done through online mode. ·
6. College Website
As directed by E -Governance policy our institution, All the information regarding college is timely updated on the college website to enhance transparency and accessibility to all stakeholders.


A Student Grievance Cell in a college is a dedicated body that addresses issues and concerns raised by students. The students’ Grievances Policy is designed to provide a structured and transparent mechanism for the students to voice their grievances and seek resolution. We aim to ensure that every student feel heard, understood and supported throughout the grievance redressal process. We guarantee confidentiality while facilitating the fair and impartial resolution of complaints and we hold a responsive and accountable attitude. Students are expected to convey their grievance through grievance drop box.

We believe that effective grievance redressal contributes to the overall security and success of our students. We are dedicated to adhering the regulation set forth by the University Grant Commission and continuously improving our process to ensure a responsive and student centric approach.

Its primary functions include:

Complaint Handling: Receiving and managing grievances related to academic and administrative matters, such as unfair treatment, harassment, or inadequate facilities.

Confidentiality: Ensuring that all complaints are handled sensitively and confidentially to protect the identity of the complainants.

Resolution Mechanism: Facilitating discussions between students and relevant authorities to resolve issues amicably.

Awareness: Educating students about their rights and the grievance redressal process.

Policy Development: Providing feedback to the administration to improve policies and create a more supportive environment.

Enhancing Communication: To facilitate open dialogue between students and administration, ensuring transparency in addressing issues.

 Encouraging Feedback: To gather feedback on policies and practices, helping the institution improve its services and environment.

By achieving these objectives, the Student Grievance and Redressal cell aims to create a more responsive and inclusive college atmosphere.

There are 4 cells in our college to maintain the peaceful environment in the college campus

  1. Discipline Committee
  2. Anti Sexual Harassment Committee
  3. Anti Ragging Cell
  4. Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell


Discipline Committee

A discipline Committee in a College is a body responsible for maintaining discipline and order within the institution. The committee ensures students adhere to the college’s code of conduct, rules and regulation. The members of the cell investigate reports of misconduct, indiscipline or violation of college policy. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all instances of student misconduct are dealt with fairly and consistently and provide a clear procedure to guide both staff and students.


  Anti Ragging Cell

In conformity with Supreme Court judgements and directions, UGC guidelines and State Government Instructions, Sh. L.N. Hindu College is following ‘Zero-Tolerance policy’ towards ragging. Any student of Sh. L.N. Hindu College accused and found guilty of ragging, will be severely dealt with, in accordance with the Provisions of the Law.

Ragging has ruined countless innocent lives and careers. It is now defined as an act that violates or is perceived to violate an individual student’s dignity. Ragging is totally banned in the campus and anyone found guilty of ragging and/or helping ragging is liable to be punished as it is criminal offence. College ensures strict compliance on the prevention of Ragging in the form.

The following measures are in place at our college for tackling the menace of ragging:

  1. An anti-ragging cell consisting of the Principal, Senior Staff Members, along with the administrative staff and students has been formed to ensure that the freshers are not being pushed to any harassment in the name of ragging in the college premises.
  2. Anti-ragging squad conducts surprise visits to the classrooms to check the activities of ragging if any and prevent them regularly. Specific anti-ragging squads are set up to go around the campus during the working hours of the college daily.
  3. Boards and hoardings are put up around the campus to exhort the students not to indulge in ragging and also indicating there in the names of all the officials and their telephone numbers to be contacted in case of ragging.
  4. CCTV cameras are installed at vital points.
  5. Regular interaction and counselling with the students/class-representatives is done through mentors-mentee groups.
  6. Surprise inspections are done at the canteen, common rooms, toilets, bus stands, etc.
  7. Students are asked to promote the anti-ragging campaign by participating in various events like slogan writing//poster making competitions.

Ragging is considered a serious offence and also a disgrace to the student community. It is mandatory to refrain from ragging in any minor or major form whatsoever. In every single incident of ragging a First Information Report (FIR) is filed without exception with the local police. If any student is found involved in the act of ragging, the authorities take strict measures against such students which may also include the following punishments:

  1. Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
  2. Withholding/ withdrawing scholarship/ fellowship and other benefits.
  3. Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination or other evaluation process.
  4. Withholding results.
  5. Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival etc.
  6. Cancellation of admission.
  7. Rustication from the institution for period ranging from 1 to 4 semesters.
  8. Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution for a specified period.
  9. Fine ranging between Rupees 25000/- and Rupees 1 Lakh.
  10. Collective punishment: When the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment.

Anti Sexual Harassment Committee

Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women

As per the guidelines of UGC, NAAC and Honourable Supreme Court, an Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell has been established in the college to provide a healthy and congenial atmosphere to the female staff members and students of the College.


The committee aims to uphold women’s right to equality, life, and liberty by preventing sexual harassment in the college or workplace. The objectives of the committee are as follows:

  • Ensure compliance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (POSH Act) to protect women employees and students from sexual harassment.
  • Implement a policy for the prevention of sexual harassment in accordance with the directives of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
  • Establish a permanent mechanism for preventing and addressing cases of sexual harassment and gender-based violence at the College.
  • Develop guidelines for addressing complaints related to sexual harassment of women at the College.
  • Promote awareness of gender equity.

Complaint Lodging Procedure

In accordance with the guidelines of the Act, the committee has established the following procedure for lodging complaints:

  1. The aggrieved individual must submit a written complaint to the Anti- Sexual Harassment Committee about the incident. If the complaint cannot be made in writing, the Chairperson or any committee member will provide assistance in converting the complaint into writing or may email the complaint to the college email address.
  2. The committee members will investigate the cases and take action on those that have been forwarded along with necessary documents/proof, if available.
  3. The committee ensures that the grievance is properly addressed and resolved within the specified time limit.


Our college is actively engaged in raising awareness about the importance of safety for our female students. The college authorities have collaborated with the Rohtak Police to address the issue of eve teasing, resulting in the following actions:

  1. Increased police patrolling around the college to enhance the safety of female students.
  2. The college regularly conducts self-defence demonstrations to teach students techniques that can be useful in challenging situations.
  3. Displaying helpline numbers on the college campus for immediate contact with the police in case of eve teasing incidents

 Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell

The students’ Grievances Cell is designed to provide a structured and transparent mechanism for the students to voice their grievances and seek resolution.


To provide a clear process for students to raise grievances regarding academic, administrative, or interpersonal issues, ensuring that concerns are addressed fairly and promptly.


This policy applies to all students enrolled at the institution, covering grievances related to academic matters, discrimination, harassment, and other institutional policies.

Types of Grievances 

- Academic grievances (grades, course policies)

- Administrative grievances (policies, procedures)

- Interpersonal conflicts (between students or faculty)

- Anti Sextual Harassment Complaints

-Anti Ragging Complaints


Step 1: Informal Resolution

- Students are encouraged to resolve issues informally by discussing concerns with the involved party (e.g., instructor, staff).

Step 2: Formal Grievance Submission

- If unresolved, students may submit a formal written grievance to the designated Place/ Person (e.g.: Complaint Box or to the members of student Grievance cell).

- Include details: nature of the grievance, dates, individuals involved, and any supporting documentation.

Step 3: Investigation

- The designated office will investigate the grievance, gathering relevant information and interviewing involved parties.

Step 4: Resolution

-The grievance cell handed the application to concerned HOD/Principal for taking necessary action if required to resolve the complaints.

All grievances will be handled confidentially, with information shared only with those directly involved in the resolution process.

  1. Non-Retaliation

Students who file grievances in good faith will not face retaliation.

  1. Review and Updates

This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure effectiveness and compliance with applicable laws.


This policy aims to foster a supportive environment where students can voice concerns and seek resolution effective

The student grievance cell is a crucial mechanism in colleges and universities to address student concerns and complaints.


Our institution is dedicated to empowering students to succeed in a changing world and become responsible citizens. By utilizing a structured feedback mechanism from various stakeholders, the institution ensures quality in teaching learning processes, research opportunities, and outreach activities in higher education. Stakeholders play a crucial role in evaluating, developing, and enhancing the quality of the learning experience.

The institution's internal stakeholders include management, faculty, and students. External stakeholders consist of alumni and parents.

Sh. Lal Nath Hindu College, Rohtak  is committed to gathering feedback from all stakeholders to regularly update its syllabus and improve the quality of its teachers. The distribution, collection, analysis, and corrective actions based on the feedback forms are conducted at the end of every academic year through both online and offline modes.

STAKEHOLDERS-The multiple stakeholders of the College are: a) Students b) Parents c) Teachers d) Alumni

Feedback Schedule-

The format for each type of feedback to be filled by each stakeholder shall be prepared by IQAC. The feedback forms to be collected shall be prepared through a hard copy monitored by Feedback Committee under IQAC.

  • Feedback from Students – End of every Semester
  • Feedback from Parents – Convocation, Annual Sports Meet , PTM and other visits to College
  • Feedback from Teachers – End of every Semester
  • Feedback from Alumni – Convocation, Alumni Meet and other visits to College

Feedback Analysis & Action Taken Report On Curriculum

Teachers And Parents Feedback Analysis

Student Feedback Analysis


A feedback form is designed at the institutional level for all programs by considering the quality of teaching, communication, evaluation subject knowledge, student interaction and punctuality. The feedback is collected at the end of every semester. The result is compiled and analysed. The report is discussed by the HOI with concerned HOD and the faculty. Faculty with low ratings are counselled and sensitized suitably.


  • The other stake holder includes – Parents & alumni
  • Parents and Alumni are encouraged to provide feedback on curriculum, teaching learning process, infrastructure and evaluation process.
  • The employer furnish feedback on industry readiness and adaptability of our students to job conditions.


 Sh. Lal Nath Hindu College, Rohtak with a vision of Clean and Green Campus promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices in the campus and beyond the campus. The environment and energy policy will help us to embed efficiency and environmental awareness into our everyday activities, thus helping us to realize our responsibilities and commitment to conservation of natural resources and to limit its usage. Necessary amendments are done by the concerned authority in the above said policy as per the requirements. The institution strives to develop a green campus and disseminate the eco-friendly culture to the nearby community through various policies, programmes and events.


  • To develop awareness about environmental issue.
  • To understand one’s responsibility towards energy conservation.
  • To reduce waste production on campus for all activities and programs.
  • To encourage green practices within the campus and beyond.
  • To maintain cleanliness and sanitation on campus.
  • To provide a pollution free healthy environment.

Green Campus / Environment Initiatives

  1.  Green landscaping with trees.
  2. Improving the green spaces in the college campus.
  3. Putting signs illustrating environmental preservation and concern.
  4. Prohibiting the usage of plastic in the campus.
  5. Celebrating days that are significant for the environment.
  6. Car Pooling –Utilized By Staff.
  7. Paper Bag to be used as an alternative for Plastic Bags.
  8. Creating awareness among the students and community regarding the importance of keeping the environment clean.

Energy Conservation / Energy Saving Initiatives

  1.  Provision of large windows encourages natural light in the classrooms.
  2. The users are to turn on power management features so that their computer and monitor enter a low power "sleep" mode when they are not using them.
  3. The users are guided to turn off their monitors before leaving their desk.
  4. The users are guided to shut down the computer rather than sign off whenever possible.
  5. Making use of LED or CFL lamps.
  6. Using fans only when needed.

Waste Management Initiatives

  1. Reduce waste management in campus.
  2. Follow eco-friendly practices in daily activities and programs.
  3. Degradable and non-degradable waste is collected separately in various containers for the treatment of solid waste.
  4. The campus is equipped with a sufficient supply of drinking water. Water waste is minimised through effective monitoring.
  5. Taps, drainage systems, and water pipelines are checked periodically and repaired in order to regulate water usage in an effective manner.
  6. Batteries and damaged computers are safely disposed of by independent organisations.
  7. Excessive electronic equipment purchases are discouraged.
  8. To prevent the unnecessary acquisition and accumulation of electronic things, strict monitoring, checking, and repairs of electronic equipment’s are made.
  9. Measures are taken to limit e-waste by regular maintenance of hardware.